Two months since my mom called with the wonderful but also terrifying news that my sister had her baby almost unthinkably early.
Two months of daily visits to the hospital for my sister and brother in law.
Two months of emotional highs and lows.
Two months of doctors, nurses and diagnoses.
Two months that we've seen God work in pretty incredible ways.
I've never had one of those moments that all hope was lost and someone prayed and things got better. I'm not sure this is that moment either.
I have experienced people caring and praying and over days, months, weeks or years seen God move and stay faithful to those who love Him and follow Him.
It's not what we expected and it's not the way we thought Q would come into the world, but these last two months, we've been privileged to see God - not in one incredible act, but in daily provision and goodness.
Truly, we can't say thank you enough for your prayers.
And I can't wait until Q is 18 and we show him this blog of baby pictures that went out to the world.