
how quickly we forget.

I guess the "we" in the title should probably just be me. Er. That would be bad grammar. "how quickly me forget. me jane."

One of my friends can't remember names to save his life. Or stories. Some people aren't good with numbers. Some people, not good at remembering important lessons in life. I wish I were one of the first two, but alas.

I am number 3 (see what I did there? a play on the movie? I Am Number Four? Look it up.).

I, like Mater in Cars2, have left a dent in my car as a reminder not to compromise. Because it never ends well. I don't want to go back to the life I was leading - where I was a person that I hate and didn't really know who I was.

But, it's super easy to go back.

What is it about boys that makes girls go so crazy? We fight over them. We get dramatic over them. We let them break our hearts without them ever having invested any ounce of thought into us. We're as silly and dense as we call them. I say "we" because I'm definitely part of the problem. I quickly forget that I don't have to become like anyone else to be "liked." And you know... not just liked... LIKE-liked. (obviously.)

Maybe no one will ever come around that LIKE-likes me. I am a firm believer that I want to be with someone that together, we can do infinitely more for God than we could have done separately. Maybe I'm just imagining there's someone like that out there.

And if I'm being really honest, that sucks.
But if that's life, that's the best plan.

Because I was reminded tonight, my plan is clearly not the one that works. I tried that once.
It's where I got the dent.

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