
more than sports.

Yes. I am excited - beyond that really - that my 9-7 Giants won a must win against the Dallas Cowboys, took out the near-flawless Green Bay Packers, got vengeance for an earlier season loss to the San Fransisco 49ers for the NFC Championship and then brought down the (evil empire) mighty, mighty Patriots.

Yes. I love being Superbowl champs again.

Yes. I am wearing my Eli Manning jersey for the 3rd victory Monday of the playoffs.

Yes. It desperately needs to be washed.

But no. Sports are not my life.

Sports are a jumping off point. An easy starter to a conversation that can go so much deeper. They're a way to connect with middle school kids, their parents, random strangers behind you in line at the grocery store and the guy that directs traffic at church Sunday mornings.

But at the end of the day, I missed the national anthem, kick-off, and first quarter of "my team" playing in the Superbowl in exchange for time with friends, cutting vegetables and mixing a super-secret-family-recipe veggie dip.

People are more important than things. Even sports. Even the Superbowl.

Though, that doesn't mean I'm not still stoked to be champs again this year.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post, I agree wholeheartedly. People and relationships with people are more important than sports and other things.
    Michelle, I was so glad to see you have a blog!! and it's beautiful to see you open up.
    If you ever need anything, just let me know girl.
