
with someone.

In case you don't know me at all, I love being a part of student ministries. It's given me the chance to get to know some awesome middle and high school kids. I think they've probably taught me more than I've taught them.

Sometimes there's pie everywhere and I have a bloody nose. I am so cool.

One of my favorite students over the weekend said, "I just want to be with someone." Not in reference to having a boyfriend. Instead wanting to have that one friend that you can always call...
always talk to...
always text who you know will always text you back....
that you know loves you...
that you trust with all of the stuff about yourself that you hate...

I just want to be with someone.

Isn't that what we're all looking for? Over years of doing ministry and just being a girl, I know that's what in my heart and in my friends' hearts. I had a friend who used to tell me that she "didn't need anyone but God."  

I disagree. 

While God is ultimately the only thing that is stable and steady, the only Being we can put our faith and trust in, I think we were created to be in relationship... to be in community.

We need support.
We need accountability.
We need to be with someone. 
Or at least, I know I do.

And I'm incredibly grateful to the people who let me call, text or come over and eat their food and just hear me.


  1. I agree; I think we are created for each other. God made Adam AND Eve, because Adam was lonely. We are here to encourage each other and lift each other up.

  2. What Matt and Cassie said! Jesus sent out his men in twos. He had reasons for that. :-J
