

There are a lot of things that everyone does.

For instance:
Everyone poops.
Everyone eats.
Everyone sleeps.
Everyone blinks.
Everyone breathes.

In talking with a friend, I realized something else that everyone does. Everyone sells themselves short in relationships.

We see ourselves on a certain "level" and we're afraid to date/get in a relationship with someone so we just settle for the first person who seems even a little bit interested. Sure... they don't have the same goals... morals... standards... interests... or beliefs, but hey! they're interested, that's good enough!

And that's how we end up broken-hearted and not sure why because all of our friends are telling us they didn't like him anyway.

Across the board - rich or poor, smart or ... not-so-smart, lower or middle or upper class - we all settle. Because it's easier than actually trying. Than doing something we actually care about. Because then, if it fails, you weren't really trying anyway.

Or at least, that's how I think.

I settle. My friends hear about some of my past relationships and wonder how the heck I ended up with the guys I was with in the past. I honestly wonder sometimes too. Except that, deep down, I know. I knew then too.

I didn't want to be alone.

But I ended up that way anyway. And, honestly, I've been pleasantly surprised. It's not as scary as I thought it would be. 

I actually kind of like it.

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