

In high school I had the privilege of going to our "leadership conferences" that essentially created our "leadership team" that was our school's version of student council. They still send me emails. That I might immediately delete.

One of the things I remember about those few days (besides thinking that everyone in college was "so cool!!") was the story of the starving baker. The baker spent all day baking bread, but never had time to eat some himself. We can't live like that.

My boss at the camp I grew up going to and working at used to ask us whenever he passed, "Have you spent time with the King today?" A seemingly easy question since we had evening sessions with worship and a sermon and scheduled devotional time with our campers. But he was getting at something deeper. Were we in service to the King, but neglecting to actually spend time with Him?

It's been a tough couple of weeks.
Busy at work.
Drama with kids.
Tough things happening in my friends' lives.
Seems like it doesn't ever stop. I've found myself wondering if there's ever going to be a time that things aren't falling apart for the people around me.

And I'm no good... none of us are any good... unless we're ultimately pointing each other to Jesus. None of us can save anyone. I can't save anyone. Tonight... I'm out. I feel like I've got nothing left.

But, I serve a God who can. And I need to remember to point to Him.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for this encouragement Michelle! :) I hope things start looking up for you--believe me, I understand where you're at. I'm in kind of a tough place in my life as well. Hopefully we both can keep our eyes on the King more. :)
