

Sometimes I hate my job.
Today was one of those days.

My morning wake up was a phone call about a tragic shooting at a movie theatre where a man opened fire on people watching the midnight showing of The Dark Knight Rises.

I had to write pieces to go on our station. Words that will hopefully comfort those who listen. What comforts in a time like this?
Definitely not words.
Definitely not my words.

I had to put up something on our Web site. Write something that says what's going on and what we're going to do about it. But... I don't know.
What can I do?
What can I even say?

Tragedy. That's the first thing that came to mind. Loss of life. Loss of that feeling of safety that we carry around with us without realizing it. Except that doesn't even seem to convey the depth of what's happening for so many families. Confusion. Grief. Despair. Anger. Questions.

The words of my pastor echoed through the morning...
Instead of asking God, "Why?" - because really, no matter what the answer, it isn't going to make it better - we need to ask, "Who are you God? Can I trust you?"

And in the middle of chaos. Even this. The answer is yes.
But it's still hard.

1 comment:

  1. I think I'd have a tough time writing things like that as well.

    People have feelings. They are allowed to have them. God gave them to us for a reason (what that is, I don't know yet).

    People are hurting today. Some have lost a lot. Others have just been wounded.

    I can't help but think about how similar this is to another plane. People are hurting.

    People are hurting on the inside too. Attacks like this happen every day on people's hearts and souls. Believers are still torn apart. Christians are still shot up, often BECAUSE they are Christians.

    Few speak up and say that they've been hurt. It's nothing new if someone gets a divorce. It's nothing new if someone is caught destroying a family.

    Attacks are now spilling out onto the physical plane. The hurts inside that people feel are now being forced on others.... instead of being shared with friends.

    I'd like to see believers reaching out. As you are in your job, you are much more public than many people. In that capacity, it is certainly your chance to let God shine. How you try to do it, doesn't matter. How you let God do it, well.... He's ready if you let him.

    You are an awesome gal Michelle. Your voice is heard by thousands. As big a weight as that might feel, you need not feel it - God is aching to use you to really reach these people!

    If you need time, be sure to take it. Just know that you've got a God who's still Got and he's got your back. :-J
