

Sometimes I get calls I don't expect.
Sometimes they're from a student who moved away... who's world came crashing down.

I hate those calls.

Sometimes I feel really helpless. Because I can be there for her to talk her through small isolated times, but can't do life with her. I'm not around to pick her up on a random Friday and go for ice cream. I can't do coffee on a Sunday morning with her and hear what's going on in her heart. I can't celebrate the good with her and show her how much she's loved. And cared for. And valuable.

I can't tell her to guard her heart. To make good friends. To be a good friend.
I can't tell her how much Jesus loves her. And that He's big enough to handle her questions.

When she moved, I remember asking one of my friends, "Please.. just tell me someone in her new city is going to love her and tell her she's important."

And Someone is. 

Sometimes I'm really terrible at trusting God with people that I love. Which is ridiculous. He loves them more and more perfectly than I ever could. He'll take care of her. He wasn't surprised when she moved. He wasn't surprised when a phone call worse than she could have imagined came in. And He's there for her. Even if she doesn't know it yet.

I'm just not as important as I think I am.


  1. feeling the same, at this moment. thanks for the reminder. God is so much bigger than us. why do we think we need to jump in and take care of it all? all we need to do is trust!! clearly, much easier said than done.

  2. Yea, sometimes it's hard to trust... Even God. Especially with the people we care most about. But He is good.

  3. Don't worry i'll make sure they see God's love!! ;)
